Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Corrine's little 'incident' at the corner of the gas station!


I cry out in pain from the agony im receiving. I out stretch my hand in the dark of the night that surrounds us and scream out your name. Begging you to show up. Begging you to help me. Maybe your cameras will see that at the edge of the gas station, where the street lamp cannot reach, I am there.

I take another kick to my stomach followed by shouts of hate spewed at me, but I cant make them out anymore. Im staring at the concrete, where your feet should appear. Where they should come running. Suddenly a belt is wrapped around my throat and tightening with each passing of a second. “mercy…” I choked out.

“oh don’t cry mercy little flower. We’ve only just begun.” and I knew he was serious. He was meticulous, cruel and vile with his methods. Drawing them out as long as painfully possible. It was my ‘punishment’ after all.

“this is what you deserve little flower. What you get. You disgust me.” he spits in my face then slaps it making my head hit the concrete yet again.

My breathing becomes rapid as I start to see stars. Panic filling my lungs as they cannot get what they desire.

I hear the jingling of a belt and know whats to come. The tears that were staining my face were pleading with you shouting the words ‘please don’t’. knowing it was completely futile. I knew what was to come.

I’ve accepted my fate at this point, and do nothing to fight it. What would be the point anyway? So I lay there, staring at the concrete corner of the gas station. Awaiting a rescue that will never come. I’ve accepted that too.

I felt him enter me, as more tears spilled over. Seeing those beautiful stars in my vision as it fades in and out.

Feeling him thrust harder, and harder, faster and faster. Know he will come to an end soon. It will never be soon enough though. What mere minutes, hell, mere seconds, feels like hours. Like the world around me has stopped. The only two people in the world right now are me and him.


I feel you thrust one last time and suddenly im covered in your filth as it stains my body. That pretty color of white staining me black. I have been ruined. Soiled. The belt is released and I gasp desperately for oxygen as my lungs clings to every tiny bit it gets. Absorbing it to bring me back to life.


Why didn’t you just kill me? Why let me live? I see….so that I’ll always remember this pain. This torture. To remeber how you felt as you abused me. What getting bruises from you is like. To always remember your scent. Your harsh voice as it threw evil words at me.


To always remember who it was who stained me.


I hear the tapping of running shoes, but I didn’t see. I didn’t want too anymore. I didn’t care. Let me die. Its what I now deserve. Arms scoop me up and craddle me. You call my name but im not here anymore. That girl is gone. Lost, drowning, in her own tears in her head. Deep, inside the darkness.


You yell out my name drenched in fear and panic; but I cant be reached. I am simply put; defeated. 

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