Saturday, March 9, 2024

Corrines tentacle porn dream or was it?

 Corrine stumbled out of the car with her hand on her head. Dazed and confused by what had just taken place. She looked to her car and saw it had been totaled, wrapped around a tree. Lucky to be alive. She looked back to the road and noticed something slithering away but couldn’t make it out.

“fucking animals in the road” she hissed. She went to walk back to the car to call 911 when Something wrapped around Corrine free leg. Something snake like and incredibly powerful.

she screamed and tried to kick it away, but they had her firmly caught.

More tendrils found her, some with tiny barbs that caught in her clothes and tore it away. Her hands were trapped behind her head, and one tentacle was around her waist before she even began to understand what was happening to her.

A mass of pink tentacles emerged from the earth around her. she couldn’t see the source of them: they seemed to come straight out of the ground. They held her, lifted her into the air, the smaller, barbed tentacles feeling her body and ripping away articles of clothing until only her shoes remained intact.

she was horrified and frightened, too frightened even to scream at first.

Then, two of the slimmer tentacles found her nipples and latched on with tiny suction cups. she screamed out and writhed her body, but not entirely because of disgust. Something had sunk into her skin, some liquid that caused her body to light up with lust and was warring with her body’s fight-or-flight response. When the tentacles on her breasts pinched slightly, she exclaimed in pleasure and lust.

Whatever it was that overpowered her mind to let the things playing with her breasts pass was not strong enough to stop her response when something brushed across her crotch. She screamed then, all pleasure forgotten. Her cries split the night, roused birds from their slumber and sent them flying.

The tentacles hesitated for a moment.

“Great, it can hear. Fuck, I want down!” She said as she paused for breath. The instant she opened her mouth to scream again, a tentacle forced its way passed Corrine's lips, pushing part way down her throat, making her gag. A strange fluid filled her mouth, more of the aphrodisiac that had made her enjoy the breast manipulation.

This time, when the tentacle brushed past her womanhood, she arched her back, pressing tighter against it, wanting more contact. Her body thrummed mindlessly with desire. She needed pleasure, needed to be filled. By what didn’t matter at that point.




If her mouth was not still filled, she would have cried out in triumph when the first inch of the tentacle probed into her. She jerked her body, pushing it in deeper, deeper, and the tentacle responded by thrusting viciously into her, making her cry out again and again as it worked.

Corrine’s boyfriends cock was the largest thing she’d ever had inside of her. He was impressive, thick and long, but this… the thing was as thick as a soda can, and could probe her deeper than any normal thing. It had ridges, so with each pass her clit was hit, followed by her g-spot.

Any reservation was lost when she came.

Her body jerked in pleasure, her vision blurred until she saw stars. It was minutes before she could focus again, and even then she just rode on wave after wave of pleasure.

The tentacles shuddered then, and she felt herself stretched wider than ever before as something passed from the tentacle into her. She glanced down and saw her belly big and swollen and the sheer pleasure she felt was overwhelming. She was only barely conscious, and the tentacle’s rapid withdrawal made her come again, gasping in fatigue and loss. The tentacles set her on the ground, and she fell asleep, exhausted, her body jerking with the after effects of the aphrodisiac.

Corrine woke some time later in the hospital.

She was told that she had crashed her car and had been found some time later by a passerby. She had a slight concussion, they had said, and she was lucky she had been wearing her seatbelt.

Bemused, she sat on the bed, letting the information sink in. Had it all been a dream? Just her imagination? Why had she imagined something so bizarre, and why did the memory of it still excite her? She closed her eyes. Stuff like that only happened in cheap Hentai, animated porn. A small laughed escaped she’s lips. What a thought…

“Oh…” Said the nurse as she began to leave the room. “We had checked your vitals yesterday and tested your blood and urine for any infections everything looked normal and the baby is perfectly healthy. You two are lucky to be alive.”

she was silent as the door closed, leaving her alone. One thing Corrine knew for absolutely certain, she wasn’t pregnant yesterday.

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Corrines tentacle porn dream or was it?

  Corrine  stumbled out of the car with her hand on her head. Dazed and confused by what had just taken place. She looked to her car and saw...