Saturday, March 9, 2024

Corrines tentacle porn dream or was it?

 Corrine stumbled out of the car with her hand on her head. Dazed and confused by what had just taken place. She looked to her car and saw it had been totaled, wrapped around a tree. Lucky to be alive. She looked back to the road and noticed something slithering away but couldn’t make it out.

“fucking animals in the road” she hissed. She went to walk back to the car to call 911 when Something wrapped around Corrine free leg. Something snake like and incredibly powerful.

she screamed and tried to kick it away, but they had her firmly caught.

More tendrils found her, some with tiny barbs that caught in her clothes and tore it away. Her hands were trapped behind her head, and one tentacle was around her waist before she even began to understand what was happening to her.

A mass of pink tentacles emerged from the earth around her. she couldn’t see the source of them: they seemed to come straight out of the ground. They held her, lifted her into the air, the smaller, barbed tentacles feeling her body and ripping away articles of clothing until only her shoes remained intact.

she was horrified and frightened, too frightened even to scream at first.

Then, two of the slimmer tentacles found her nipples and latched on with tiny suction cups. she screamed out and writhed her body, but not entirely because of disgust. Something had sunk into her skin, some liquid that caused her body to light up with lust and was warring with her body’s fight-or-flight response. When the tentacles on her breasts pinched slightly, she exclaimed in pleasure and lust.

Whatever it was that overpowered her mind to let the things playing with her breasts pass was not strong enough to stop her response when something brushed across her crotch. She screamed then, all pleasure forgotten. Her cries split the night, roused birds from their slumber and sent them flying.

The tentacles hesitated for a moment.

“Great, it can hear. Fuck, I want down!” She said as she paused for breath. The instant she opened her mouth to scream again, a tentacle forced its way passed Corrine's lips, pushing part way down her throat, making her gag. A strange fluid filled her mouth, more of the aphrodisiac that had made her enjoy the breast manipulation.

This time, when the tentacle brushed past her womanhood, she arched her back, pressing tighter against it, wanting more contact. Her body thrummed mindlessly with desire. She needed pleasure, needed to be filled. By what didn’t matter at that point.




If her mouth was not still filled, she would have cried out in triumph when the first inch of the tentacle probed into her. She jerked her body, pushing it in deeper, deeper, and the tentacle responded by thrusting viciously into her, making her cry out again and again as it worked.

Corrine’s boyfriends cock was the largest thing she’d ever had inside of her. He was impressive, thick and long, but this… the thing was as thick as a soda can, and could probe her deeper than any normal thing. It had ridges, so with each pass her clit was hit, followed by her g-spot.

Any reservation was lost when she came.

Her body jerked in pleasure, her vision blurred until she saw stars. It was minutes before she could focus again, and even then she just rode on wave after wave of pleasure.

The tentacles shuddered then, and she felt herself stretched wider than ever before as something passed from the tentacle into her. She glanced down and saw her belly big and swollen and the sheer pleasure she felt was overwhelming. She was only barely conscious, and the tentacle’s rapid withdrawal made her come again, gasping in fatigue and loss. The tentacles set her on the ground, and she fell asleep, exhausted, her body jerking with the after effects of the aphrodisiac.

Corrine woke some time later in the hospital.

She was told that she had crashed her car and had been found some time later by a passerby. She had a slight concussion, they had said, and she was lucky she had been wearing her seatbelt.

Bemused, she sat on the bed, letting the information sink in. Had it all been a dream? Just her imagination? Why had she imagined something so bizarre, and why did the memory of it still excite her? She closed her eyes. Stuff like that only happened in cheap Hentai, animated porn. A small laughed escaped she’s lips. What a thought…

“Oh…” Said the nurse as she began to leave the room. “We had checked your vitals yesterday and tested your blood and urine for any infections everything looked normal and the baby is perfectly healthy. You two are lucky to be alive.”

she was silent as the door closed, leaving her alone. One thing Corrine knew for absolutely certain, she wasn’t pregnant yesterday.

a hot passionate night!

 I could feel his hot breath on my neck, teasing me in-between the nips he was leaving. My hand ran through his wavy brown hair, pulling him in demanding more. One hand was tangled in my hair; the other hand brushed over my thigh as he held my leg up over his hip.

I held his glare, my knees weakened, I could almost feel the power radiating off of him. He pushed his body into mine. A moan left my lips; I could feel his hardness through his jeans. My thin dress allowed me to feel such things.

The wall was harsh against my back, I felt him slide his tongue down my neck. The warmth of his body made up for the coolness of the brick.

He got on his knees and lifted up my dress.

Without warning his tongue started playing with my pussy.

I clenched his hair and tried to keep me stable. Slowly his fingers slid inside me and I pressed my back harder against the brick wall. I started panting heavily, I know I won't be able to hold out for much longer. I could feel it coming. The tingling in my toes, the numbness in my legs, yes, he was about to make me burst.

Before it happened though, he stopped abruptly. A little moan of displeasure slipped my lips. I could hear his soft chuckle, knowing this all amused him. I heard the unzipping of his pants and soon felt his hard cock sliding against my pussy.

He lifted my legs and now carried the full weight of me. Quickly he slid me down onto his cock so fast It caught my breath. He thrusts into me with such friction, I knew I wouldn't be able to get my breath back. Anyone could easily hear the slapping of his balls echo the room. Faster and faster, I was reaching my maxed limit. I dug my nails into his back as he slammed me against the brick wall once more.

Then it happened. I tried to make a sound of my orgasm but my voice wasn't working.

The pure bliss I felt was overwhelming.

My toes curled, my nails dug deeper, and my body tensed so hard I thought it might spasm.

The orgasm eventually subsided and I felt my back sting in pain from the bricks.

Panting heavily I asked, "can we go somewhere else?"

I watched him take a deep breath, pick me up and carry me upstairs and the next thing I knew I was on lying on the soft black silk sheets of his bed. I closed my eyes and relaxed into the soft sheets spreading my arms above my head.  A soft growl and a tug on the fabric I was wearing made me sit up slightly. The dress I was wearing soon ended up next to his jeans on the floor. Clad in only our underwear I sank into the bed, spread out a little to let him devour me.

He gently traced his hands down my body, gliding over my hips, down under my thighs, he effortlessly lifted me up. My hands traveled through his hair as I found myself straddling him, I moaned softly into his ear, and begin to nibble slightly.

He gave a growl and pinned me again.

In seconds my legs were around his shoulders. He slid into me with such force; I couldn't help but cry out in pleasure.

His thrusts were hard but slow, he was teasing me. I could see it in his eyes as he brushed my hair off my face as he went to kiss me. His lips brushed against mine and his hands ghosted over my sides before he took a firm grasp of my breasts. He began to speed up slightly and his moans became audible, he brought his head away from my neck and took my nipple into his mouth. I cried out and arched my back; his hand wrapped around my waist and held me like that.

I could feel his smirk as his tongue ran small circles around my nipple.

My breathing became erratic, I was close again, I could feel it building at the bottom of my stomach. Clearly, he knew how I worked, he knew what would make me cum quickly and he was pulling out all the stops.  I couldn't hold off any longer and I felt my orgasm rip through me, it was bliss, I gripped his shoulders to steady me as I moaned loudly in pleasure. He gave a low growl, his rhythm fumbled as he came quietly. I panted softly as he pulled out; he trailed kisses up my collar bone, onto my neck, and slowly onto my jaw. I felt so full of him. So much ecstasy! How I wish this feeling could last a lifetime.

how i learned i have a smoking fetish!


I was in the kitchen making a sandwich one day when I opened a draw to grab a knife. There next to the cutlery tray was a packet of Marlboro menthol cigarettes. It wasn’t uncommon for my mother to leave spare packets of cigarettes around the house, and then complain she could never find them. But this time when I saw them my heart began thumbing against my chest and my nipples grew stiff, protruding through my thin t-shirt.

I stared down at the packet for a moment before reaching inside the draw and clutching them nervously in my tiny hand. Amazed at how light the packet felt I flicked the top open and counted fourteen white filtered cigarettes. I suddenly felt weak with excitement and my stomach tightened.

At this point I had no intention of lighting one of the cigarettes, but I was curiously aroused and wanted to know how one would feel and look between my fingers.

Before pulling out a cigarette I raised the packet to my nose and inhaled deeply. My pussy began twitching between my legs as the sweet aroma of unlit tobacco and mint filled my nostrils. I couldn’t understand why I felt so hot and horny, but right at that moment I didn’t care. I reached into the packet with my thumb and forefinger and carefully pulled out a cigarette.

I held the cigarette between two fingers, the way my mother would, and felt another pulse between my legs as I enjoyed the sight of the thin, all white cigarette against my red polished nails.

I turned to look at myself through the fireplace mirror. I thought I looked hot, and if I didn’t, I certainly felt it as my curiosity pushed me a little further. I placed the filter between my lips and sucked hard. Then, removing the unlit cigarette from my mouth I pretended to inhale the imaginary smoke. I sucked the air deep into my lungs and closed my eyes. The taste of mint quickly filled my mouth, awakening my sensitive taste buds as I slid my free hand into my blouse and squeezed my braless breasts.

The tension was building up so much that I thought I was about to explode. I opened my eyes and looked down at the cigarette, still poised between my fingers.

“Shit!” I exclaimed, suddenly realizing what I had done. The cigarette filter was no longer white. Instead, it was stained with my peach colored lipstick. I knew I couldn’t put the cigarette back into the packet without my mother finding out, but something inside of me was stopping me from throwing it in the bin.

It was like having an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other as I stared down at the cigarette. With my heart racing, my nipples aching, and my pussy throbbing, I gave into the devil and placed the cigarette back into my mouth and reached for the cigarette lighter.

After all, it’s only one cigarette I thought. I sucked the smoke into my mouth but quickly blew it out again. The smoke tasted strong and felt hot in my mouth. After smoking half of the cigarette this way I decided to try a real inhale. Carefully taking a smaller drag I inhaled the thick smoke down into my body. My throat burnt and caused me to cough the smoke back out. I tried it a few more times before I actually managed to inhale and then exhale the smoke properly.

Once I was able to do that I felt the poison fill me. Taking another slow inhale, my body shook in anticipation. Begging me to please it. Without hesitation I dropped on the floor right here in the kitchen and placed my free hand down my pants. rubbing my clit I took another slow inhale of the cigarette. I moaned while exhaling, feeling the cig coat my throat with its cold menthol. My tiny frame shivered from pleasure. It would be so easy to climax here and now, but I forced myself to wait. I wanted to enjoy this so painfully slow. I took in another inhale and felt lightheaded. I slid over to where I could see myself in the mirror and pushed in my fingers. I moaned so loudly and watched as the person I no longer recognize exhale the smoke as the words came out. There in the mirror was someone else entirely. Someone who enjoyed something that seemed so bad but felt so good. The person in the mirror took another hit of the poison stick, and I watched as her fingers moved faster. Begging now for her climax. I noticed that the cig was almost gone now. Only a 4th remained. I didn’t want this to be over. Didn’t want to give up my new found pleasure.

“oh god” I moaned. My body was tensing. My back was arching. I could feel the walls of my pussy closing. I knew it was only a matter of seconds now. If I was going to climax I was determined to do it right. I placed my cigarette on my peach colored lips and sucked in one big inhale. My lungs burned in agony but it was such a pleasureful feeling. I could feel my throat freezing from the menthol. My arms and legs protruded goosebumps making me shiver. I held my breath in for as long as I could until my brain told me it desperately needed oxygen. When I exhaled I blew it towards the mirror and watched it bounce off and fade. My body collapsed the rest of the way on the ground and I groaned so loudly as I climaxed. The pure ecstasy of it was such an overwhelming euphoric feeling. Suddenly I took a breath a felt the bitterness of the oxygen fill my lungs and for once in my life I hated it. I laid on the floor, breathless. I looked over to my cigarette and watched the last little embers burn out. 

Corrines tentacle porn dream or was it?

  Corrine  stumbled out of the car with her hand on her head. Dazed and confused by what had just taken place. She looked to her car and saw...